Monday, November 28, 2011

A person who ever loved me!

I hope you happy with your life. But I hope you will being honest with someone who love you because if you not do that he might be get hurt. He will still love you but probably he truly being honest with you is NOT. He will be just like me. Not really being honest with you. Coz his heart feeling can be really hurt because you did not tell the truth. Please don't do that again. If not, I'm not surprised you and him broke up. Hope that what you wish for the rest of your life will come true. From me who ever loved you!

After I let you go, I feel relief coz i'm not suffer anymore. I can be friends again with my sister, a person that you hate her the most. Now i'm happy because our Silaturrahim nobody can disturb. She will always be my sister! I love her so much. I love her kids so much too! I'm happy now. Really happy. So do you do :)

I LOVE SALINA MAMAT.. My ever lovely sister <3 

Never waste your time getting hurt by someone, when there's someone else out there waiting to make you SMILE :) 

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